Leadership and also Ethics - Educate it
I do not believe that unethical behavior can unknowingly occur if a leader has proper values and intentions. A leader who is ethically based will not knowingly break laws, deny rights, endanger lives or deceive or exploit employees, customers, stake holders or society. However, I do believe that an ethically based leader may find him or herself in situations where they have discovered that they have acted inappropriately due to others in power who have deceived others in order to take advantage of the situation. For example, whistleblower hotline , or expenses exaggerated, or discrimination or other unethical behavior has occurred in a department or company, this becomes the moment of truth for any ethical leader. At that moment, an ethically based leader will make a decision to fight to correct the problem within the company, notify authorities or leave the company. This may seem simplistic, but I believe that if more leaders stood up against unethical behavior, there would be l...